Hi, I posted on this earlier, but it fell on deaf ears, I guess.
Here's a concrete example of the problem I'm experiencing.  I followed
the directions for the maven-eclipse-plugin on generating a multiple
module project, as described here ->

[I tried attaching a .zip of this simple example, but it bounced]

This problem is easily reproduced.  I really welcome any clue on how
to workaround it.  How to reproduce:

1. D:\temp>mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=guide.ide.eclipse
2. D:\temp>cd guide-ide-eclipse
3. edit pom.xml, change <packaging>jar</packaging> to <packaging>pom</packaging>
3. D:\temp\guide-ide-eclipse>mvn archetype:create
-DgroupId=guide.ide.eclipse -DartifactId=guide-ide-eclipse-site
4. If you have the latest maven-eclipse-plugin, this should
auto-magically add the <parent> <-> <module> reference between parent
child projects in each respective pom.xml
5. D:\temp\guide-ide-eclipse>mkdir conf
6. D:\temp\guide-ide-eclipse>cd guide-ide-eclipse-site
7. edit the pom.xml of guide-ide-eclipse-site and add the following
between <project></project>:
8. D:\temp\guide-ide-eclipse>cd guide-ide-eclipse-site
9. D:\temp\guide-ide-eclipse>mvn eclipse:eclipse
10. Try to import either the guide-ide-eclipse or the
guide-ide-eclipse-site project into eclipse.  You will get a build
path error regarding the conf directory.

The .classpath file for the guide-ide-eclipse-site project contains this:

<classpathentry kind="src" path="D:/temp/guide-ide-eclipse/conf"

This seems completely reasonable, and the directory does exist, but
eclipse cannot build the project....why?

Thanks in advance,


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