On 4/6/07, Wim Deblauwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I use the site:deploy plugin to upload my site, which works great. However,
I now want to add some additional files to the site that are generated (by
the webstart-maven-plugin). The only way that I can currently do that, is by
letting those files get generated into src/site/resources/jnlp. I would like
to have them generated in target/site/jnlp so those generated files are not
mignled with my sources. Is this possible with the current site plugin or
should I file an enhancement request?


I looked at the SiteMojo and SiteDeployMojo and I see nothing in them
that could . The first one creates the reports under
${project.reporting.outputDirectory} the second one copies this
directory using wagon on the remote server.

You should try to make the webstart plugin generate your files under


and it should work. Be sure to pick the right phase. You should use
the 1.0-alpha-2 SNAPSHOT release of the plugin and pick the right

If that doesn't work, can you provide a test project ?



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