Have you tried just to remove the ${artifactId} part?



Am Donnerstag, den 19.04.2007, 16:52 -0400 schrieb David C. Hicks:
> I'm trying to create an assembly, but the directory structure that is 
> created isn't really what I'm after.  I'd like to dump all of the 
> artifacts in the assembly into a single directory.  More accurately, I 
> expect to be able to control where artifacts get placed in the output 
> directory as they get assembled.  Maybe I missed it in the 
> documentation, but it doesn't look like you can really control it at 
> that level.
> Example:
>     <moduleSets>
>       <moduleSet>
>          <includes>
> <include>com.enttek.concessions:concessions-homeoffice-server</include>
>          </includes>
>          <binaries>
>             <includeDependencies>false</includeDependencies>
>             <outputDirectory>modules/${artifactId}</outputDirectory>
>             <unpack>false</unpack>
>          </binaries>
>       </moduleSet>
>    </moduleSets>
> This snippet places the desired war file into the output directory, but 
> it's buried in a directory called "concessions-homeoffice-server".  I'd 
> settle for just a way to flatten the directory structure into the 
> "modules" directory.
> Any help?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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