Neither work.

I even tried the following, which also failed:
  removing the directory src/main/resources
[INFO] Resource Loader Instantiated: 
[INFO] ProjectResourceLoader : initialization starting.
[INFO] path :C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\src\main\resources\
[INFO] ProjectResourceLoader : adding path 
[INFO] ProjectResourceLoader : initialization complete.
[DEBUG]   (f) templateDirectory = C:\cvs\reporting-jsf/src/main/announcement
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --
[INFO] [changes:announcement-generate]
[INFO] Creating announcement file from changes.xml...
[ERROR] ResourceManager : unable to find resource 
'C:\cvs\reporting-jsf/src/main/announcement/announcement.vm' in any resource 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

I suspect it is always looking for the resource <templateDirectory>/<template> 
the classpath instead of looking for <template>.  That would explain why it 
when announcement.vm is located in 

To compound the problem:
o <templateDirectory> is set to "org/apache/maven/plugin/announcement" when it is null, 
"", " ".
o The template is only looked for in the classpath and not in the template 

Paul Spencer

Wayne Fay wrote:
Just stabbing in the dark... Have you tried:
Note the missing / at the beginning.

Or for that matter, <templateDirectory/> (no value)?


On 4/20/07, Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I already tried that!

[INFO] ProjectResourceLoader : initialization starting.
[INFO] path :C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\src\main\resources\
[INFO] ProjectResourceLoader : adding path 'C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\src\main\resources\'
[ERROR] ResourceManager : unable to find resource 'C:\cvs\reporting-jsf/src/main/resources/announcement.vm' in any resource loader.

BTW: The following works, but it is WRONG:


  Directory of C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\src\main\resources\src\main\resources
  04/20/2007  01:45 PM             1,848 announcement.vm

Paul Spencer

Siegfried Goeschl wrote:
> Veryyyyy stupid question ...
> <templateDirectory>/src/main/resources</templateDirectory>
> seems to be an absolute reference to a directory whereas
> C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\src\main\resources
> is the absolute path
> Cheers
> Siegfried Goeschl
> Paul Spencer wrote:
>> I am trying to configure the changes plugin, version 2.0-beta-2, to
>> use a custom
>> announcement.vm file.  Setting templateDirectory in to
>> /src/main/resources does
>> not work.  The command "mvn changes:announcement-generate" always
>> fails with the
>> following error message:
>>   ResourceManager : unable to find resource
>> '/src/main/resources/announcement.vm' in any resource loader
>> Belows is additional information related the the problem:
>> ***
>> * From POM.XML
>> ***
>>       <plugin>
>>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>         <artifactId>maven-changes-plugin</artifactId>
>>     <configuration>
>>           <template>announcement.vm</template>
>>       <templateDirectory>/src/main/resources</templateDirectory>
>>         </configuration>
>>       </plugin>
>> ***
>> * Directory output
>> ***
>>  Directory of C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\src\main\resources
>> 04/20/2007  01:45 PM    <DIR>          .
>> 04/20/2007  01:45 PM    <DIR>          ..
>> 04/20/2007  01:45 PM             1,848 announcement.vm
>> 04/18/2007  10:01 AM                69 application.properties
>> 09/20/2006  11:56 AM               206 implementations.properties
>> 04/12/2007  04:40 PM             1,109 log4j.xml
>>                4 File(s)          3,232 bytes
>>                2 Dir(s)  67,573,653,504 bytes free
>> C:\cvs_apms\apms-reporting-jsf>
>> ***
>> * Maven debug output
>> ***
>> [INFO] **************************************************************
>> [INFO] Starting Jakarta Velocity v1.4
>> [INFO] RuntimeInstance initializing.
>> [INFO] Default Properties File:
>> org\apache\velocity\runtime\defaults\velocity.properties
>> [INFO] Default ResourceManager initializing. (class
>> org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceManagerImpl)
>> [INFO] Resource Loader Instantiated:
>> org.apache.maven.plugin.resource.loader.ProjectResourceLoader
>> [INFO] ProjectResourceLoader : initialization starting.
>> [INFO] path :C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\src\main\resources\
>> [INFO] ProjectResourceLoader : adding path
>> 'C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\src\main\resources\'
>> [INFO] ProjectResourceLoader : initialization complete.
>> [INFO] Resource Loader Instantiated:
>> org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader
>> [INFO] ClasspathResourceLoader : initialization starting.
>> [INFO] ClasspathResourceLoader : initialization complete.
>> [INFO] ResourceCache : initialized. (class
>> org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceCacheImpl)
>> [INFO] Default ResourceManager initialization complete.
>> [INFO] Loaded System Directive:
>> org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Literal
>> [INFO] Loaded System Directive:
>> org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Macro
>> [INFO] Loaded System Directive:
>> org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Parse
>> [INFO] Loaded System Directive:
>> org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Include
>> [INFO] Loaded System Directive:
>> org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Foreach
>> [INFO] Created: 20 parsers.
>> [INFO] Velocimacro : initialization starting.
>> [INFO] Velocimacro : adding VMs from VM library template :
>> VM_global_library.vm
>> [ERROR] ResourceManager : unable to find resource
>> 'VM_global_library.vm' in any resource loader.
>> [INFO] Velocimacro : error using  VM library template
>> VM_global_library.vm :
>> org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to
>> find resource 'VM_global_library.vm'
>> [INFO] Velocimacro :  VM library template macro registration complete.
>> [INFO] Velocimacro : allowInline = true : VMs can be defined inline in
>> templates
>> [INFO] Velocimacro : allowInlineToOverride = false : VMs defined
>> inline may NOT replace previous VM definitions
>> [INFO] Velocimacro : allowInlineLocal = false : VMs defined inline
>> will be  global in scope if allowed.
>> [INFO] Velocimacro : messages on  : VM system will output logging
>> messages
>> [INFO] Velocimacro : autoload off  : VM system will not automatically
>> reload global library macros
>> [INFO] Velocimacro : initialization complete.
>> [INFO] Velocity successfully started.
>> [DEBUG] Configuring mojo
>> 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-changes-plugin:2.0-beta-2:announcement-generate'
>> -->
>> [DEBUG]   (s) artifactId = reporting-jsf
>> [DEBUG]   (s) developmentTeam = reporting-jsf-team
>> [DEBUG]   (s) finalName = reporting-jsf-1.0.2-SNAPSHOT.war
>> [DEBUG]   (f) generateJiraAnnouncement = false
>> [DEBUG]   (s) groupId = com.mikon.customer.kc
>> [DEBUG]   (s) introduction = Generalized web based reporting tool for
>> data.
>> [DEBUG] (f) jiraXML = C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\target/jira-announcement.xml
>> [DEBUG]   (f) nbEntries = 25
>> [DEBUG] (s) outputDirectory = C:\cvs\reporting-jsf\target/announcement
>> [DEBUG]   (s) packaging = war
>> [DEBUG]   (f) project = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> [DEBUG]   (f) resolutionId = Fixed
>> [DEBUG]   (f) setting = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> [DEBUG]   (f) statusId = Closed
>> [DEBUG]   (f) template = announcement.vm
>> [DEBUG]   (f) templateDirectory = /src/main/resources
>> [DEBUG]   (s) url =
>> http://developer.foo.com/projects/reporting-jsf/1.0.2-SNAPSHOT/reporting-jsf
>> [DEBUG]   (s) urlDownload =
>> http://developer.foo.com/projects/reporting-jsf/1.0.2-SNAPSHOT/reporting-jsf/reporting-jsf-1.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> [DEBUG]   (s) version = 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
>> [DEBUG]   (s) xmlPath = C:\cvs\reporting-jsf/src/changes/changes.xml
>> [DEBUG] -- end configuration --
>> [INFO] [changes:announcement-generate]
>> [INFO] Creating announcement file from changes.xml...
>> [ERROR] ResourceManager : unable to find resource
>> '/src/main/resources/announcement.vm' in any resource loader.
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Is this a bug or a configuration error?
>> Paul Spencer
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