In your POM, you should configure the assembly plugin with the following:


Although I will say that this will only generate a 'target/debug.dir'
directory, not a target/debug one...that's because the assembly format is
always appended to the directory/file name.

...oh, and if you're creating multiple types of assemblies, you may want to
stick that into an execution-level configuration block.

BTW, I noticed the *.jar entry...are you trying to capture a dependencySet
with that? If so, you could use:




On 4/26/07, ben short <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm trying to use the assembly plugin to create a directory in my
target Dir called debug. In this I'm going to put everything i need in
order to run the project in debug mode via my ide.

Currently I have this assembly descriptor


I think I understand how to include files etc, but i cant see how i
can tell it to create a directory called 'debug'. I always end up with
a target/artifactname-version-debug.dir/artifactname-version.
What I really want is target/debug. Is this even possible?


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John Casey
Maven Developer (

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