On Fri, 2007-04-27 at 15:17 -0400, Jared Blitzstein wrote:
> Thanks, I've read that as well as http://maven.apache.org/guides/ 
> getting-started/index.html#How%20do%20I%20filter%20resource%20files  
> and it's basically the same thing as the WAR plugin...I believe.  
> Since I need this on both the WAR and the exploded app for jetty, I'm  
> not sure if the war plugin is what I need to be using. But the files  
> are actually being filtered, it's just they're not ending up in /WEB- 
> INF/config/ like I want.  They're going to /WEB-INF/classes/WEB-INF/ 
> config/. Here is the snippet from my pom
>               <filters>
>                       <filter>src/main/filters/${env}.var</filter>
>               </filters>
>               <resources>
>                       <resource>
> <directory>src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config</directory>
>                               <filtering>true</filtering>
>                               <targetPath>WEB-INF/config/</targetPath>
>                       </resource>
>               </resources>
> Any ideas?

I have not tried this, but according to the documentation a
configuration similar to this for the war plugin should work:

           <!-- the config files you want to filter should be in this directory 
           <!-- enable filtering -->

- Henry

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