
I have the following question on how to setup a Maven environment in a multi
environment (test, staging, production). Ps.this is the first Maven project
I'm doing ... having an ANT background.

Lets' start by talking what I have. We have a multi project structure and
are using profiles (-Denv=test) which sets all the configuration data during
the build lifecycle. Up until now we were just using the
1.0-SNAPSHOTversion for all our modules but a release is coming near
and it seems I
don't have a clear view on what has to happen now.

I've read about the release:prepare / perform plugin but I'm unsure how it
should be handled in a multi environment. So here come the questions:

1. What exactly does the release plugin provide on the end, is it a packaged
module .war / .jar with the newly set version and stored in the repository?

2. Now we deploy a version to our servers using cargo and specify the
profile we want to use, for example -Denv=test when we want to put something
in the test environment. What I've seen so far of the release plugin is that
you need to specify the profile to which environment you are building.
Because the DB url / driver are kept in the maven profiles and are needed to
run the tests and to work with in the deployed application. So do we need to
release multiple versions? What I mean is do we need to release something
like app-test-1.0.war app-staging-1.0.war app-production-1.0.war? I guess so
because how else will we get the correct version if we want to deploy on a
specific version, if we have just version application-1.0.war we have no
idea for which environment it can be used. But .. if so ... I have no idea
on how to do this with the release plugin, because you can add a version id
like test1.0 or production-1.0 but after the first entry the sources will
already be tagged in scm, so what about the others?

Or do you provide just one release app-1.0.jar ... which actually makes more
sense to me because we release 1 version which needs to work for all
environments. But how do we handle this Up until now I've always put my
application variables in the profiles (i.e. datasource, connection url,
userid passw, email settings ...) but when we only release one version an
use that to deploy to ALL environments how will the correct application
values be set?

3. Also the same for testing (unit / integration), during the development we
test against the test database, we we deploy to staging the build lifecycle
rexecutes all these tests again, should these tests be ran against the test
database or against the staging database? But what about production do you
still run the test against the production database that way, but we still
want to run tests.. against which database are we testing this? Test, Dev?

I would really like to know what the best practices are on how to build /
deploy / release in a multi environment. And feel free to inform me on this
topic and not be limited to the questions above ;-)

Looking forward to your responses!!!



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