Actually I am trying to set framework to test web services. Our all projects 
are in compliance with maven except this one.We use sure fire for all other 

In this ant script, we deploy the web server , generates wsdl, generates 
clients and then run the tests via junit. I can try to go to maven way but it 
would be a lot of re work. If I could solve this junit thing then it would be 
last step.



Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'm curious... why you can't just use 
Maven Surefire plugin to run
your JUnit tests? Why are you doing this "junit via ant" thing at all?


On 5/1/07, Petr V.  wrote:
> Thanks Wayne for your reply. I added your suggested artifact too though I
> guess it was not required because junit task is included in ant-junit
> artifcat but I am still facing same issue. On researching on google, I found
> that many people have asked about this problem with different ant tasks
> There must be some solution and I simply can't find out. Now I am desperate
> :-(
> Petr
> Wayne Fay  wrote: You probably want the ant-nodeps
> artifact.
>   ant
>   ant-nodeps
>   1.6.5
> Wayne
> On 5/1/07, Petr V.  wrote:
> > I added one more dependency
> >
> >
> >             org.apache.ant
> >             ant-junit
> >             1.6.2
> >
> >
> > and still seeing the same results. Any pointers ??
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> > "Petr V."  wrote: Greetings,
> >
> > I have simple ant file that has junit task and it executes fine using ant
> > 1.6.2.
> >
> > Now I am trying to call that ant script via pom file and I am getting an
> > error that junit task is not found.
> >
> > C:\ncp\ncp\main\component\ClientTests\build\client\build.xml:117: Could
> not
> > create task or type of type: junit.
> >
> > Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon.
> >
> > This is common and has a number of causes; the usual
> > solutions are to read the manual pages then download and
> > install needed JAR files, or fix the build file:
> >  - You have misspelt 'junit'.
> >    Fix: check your spelling.
> >  - The task needs an external JAR file to execute
> >      and this is not found at the right place in the classpath.
> >    Fix: check the documentation for dependencies.
> >    Fix: declare the task.
> >  - The task is an Ant optional task and the JAR file and/or libraries
> >      implementing the functionality were not found at the time you
> >      yourself built your installation of Ant from the Ant sources.
> >    Fix: Look in the ANT_HOME/lib for the 'ant-' JAR corresponding to the
> >      task and make sure it contains more than merely a
> >      If all it contains is the manifest, then rebuild Ant with the needed
> >      libraries present in ${ant.home}/lib/optional/ , or alternatively,
> >      download a pre-built release version from
> >  - The build file was written for a later version of Ant
> >    Fix: upgrade to at least the latest release version of Ant
> >  - The task is not an Ant core or optional task
> >      and needs to be declared using .
> >  - You are attempting to use a task defined using
> >
> >  or  but have spelt wrong or not
> >    defined it at the point of use
> >
> > Remember that for JAR files to be visible to Ant tasks implemented
> > in ANT_HOME/lib, the files must be in the same directory or on the
> > classpath
> >
> >
> > =================================
> >
> > So I figured it out that probably maven is using wrong version of ant and
> I
> > checked it, it downloaded ant 1.6.5
> >
> > [INFO]
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Downloading:
> > 521b downloaded
> > Downloading:
> >
> > 149b downloaded
> > Downloading:
> >
> > 8K downloaded
> > Downloading:
> > 1009K downloaded
> > [INFO] [antrun:run {execution: 1}]
> > [INFO] Executing tasks
> >
> >
> > ========================================
> >
> > Then I asked maven to use ant 1.6.2 in following pom file but it still
> > downloads 1.6.5. Any idea what is going on ??? How can I make sure that
> > maven uses 1.6.2 ??
> >
> > Here is my pom file
> >
> > 4.0.0
> >
> >
> >
> >     com.comp.cp
> >     cp-component
> >     1.0-SNAPSHOT
> >
> >
> >
> >   com.comp.cp
> >   ClientTests
> >   1.0-SNAPSHOT
> >
> > pom
> >
> >   ClientTests
> >
> >
> >
> >       junit
> >       junit
> >       4.3.1
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >     clienttests
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >         org.apache.maven.plugins
> >         maven-compiler-plugin
> >         2.0
> >
> >           1.5
> >           1.5
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >         maven-antrun-plugin
> >
> >
> >             1
> >
> > generate-sources
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >               run
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >             ant
> >             ant-antlr
> >             1.6.2
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks a lot in advance
> >
> > Petr V.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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