Hi Dave,

Currently, you can't add that folder.

Please feel free to raise a Jira.


2007/5/2, Dave Hoffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
The process given for creating a custom archetype seems limiting and

I want the standard maven directory layout but in addition I want to add
higher level folders called trunk & tags this way my new artifact
projects will be configured correctly for VCS usage.  (The maven build
usage of this will be in the trunk folder so we do use the standard
maven layout.)

The docs say that these elements represent different sections of the
project, what is not clear is if these are hard coded paths or if these
have this path because the archetype descriptor defines them this way.
If they are hard coded it makes no sense for the path to be included in
the descriptor file, which it is.
* <sources> = src/main/java
* <resources> = src/main/resources
* <testSources> = src/test/java
* <testResources> = src/test/resources
* <siteResources> = src/site

Here is my descriptor:

Although my files do have this layout pattern when I run this archetype
I an error "Template 'trunk/src/main/java/App.java' not in directory

How can I add the trunk folder?


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