Hi there,

1) Firstly I've noticed there appears to be two DBUnit plugins, not
sure which is best :



2) I'm trying to use the codehaus DBUnit plugin to export some data,
but one table is giving me an error so I thought I'd provide a list of
tables to export to the plugin configuration but not sure how to  :-

The docs says there is a configurable  :-
tables  Table[]   List of DbUnit's Table. See DbUnit's JavaDoc for details

I have tried :-


and <tables>table1,table2<tables>

all inside the plugin's <configuration>.

The plugin requires org.dbunit.ant.Table but looks like the Strings
don't get converted to this.
Cannot assign configuration entry 'table' to 'class
org.dbunit.ant.Table' from 'acl_object_identity', which is of type
class java.lang.String

Help ?

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