I'm starting a trend... Mailing to the complete mailing list... I did
this twice in two weeks... Good thing I'm going in holidays. Sorry for
the french spam. :-)

And thanks for the answers. :-)

On 5/4/07, Arnaud HERITIER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Henry,

  Effectively, as Stephane said, you replied on the mailing list, thus I'll
reply in english ;-)

On 03/05/07, Stephane Nicoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Howdy,
> Comments inline. Writing in English would have been more appropriate
> but I guess you just send the mail to the wrong recipient :)
> On 5/2/07, Henri Tremblay < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Salut,
> >
> > Dommage, en fait c'était pour la mailing list, je croyais que j'avais
> > reçu le mail personnellement.

;-) I preferred to announce it on the mailing list to be sure to not forget
a maven user ;-)

> > Je voulais envoyer un message à la liste mais puisque je t'ai sous la
> > main, je me pose des questions sur l'avenir de maven. En fait j'ai dû
> > mener un dur combat contre certaine limitation et je me demande ce qui
> > est prévu. Si je te saoule, prière de m'en avertir, je referai en
> > anglais sur la mailing list. Mais comme d'habitude les gens d'Octo
> > sont sympas :-)

Thanks. There's no problem. I always reply, not always quickly, but I reply.

> > En fait c'est concernant les plugins. J'aimerai pouvoir faire les
> > choses suivantes:
> >
> > 1- Pouvoir retirer des plugins et configurations dans des poms
> > enfants. À priori les poms s'agrègent mais il est impossible d'en
> > enlever des morceaux.
> That's an issue indeed. You can reconfigure the plugin or set the
> <inherited> flag to false to avoid spreading the config the the
> children.

The only solution is actually to configure them in the pluginsManagement
part of the pom and stop the inheritence where you want in the parent. The
problem is that you have to be able to edit the parent pom. It's not
possible in a child to say that it musn't use settings coming from the
parent for a given plugin.

> > 2- Avoir un certain déterminisme sur l'ordre d'exécution des plugins /
> > exécutions. Il peut arriver que je veuille faire un antrun suivi d'un
> > minijar suivi d'un antrun et je n'arrive pas à faire respecter cet
> > ordre.
> This is scheduled for Maven 2.1

Maven 2.1-alpha-1 should be available in some weeks (we hope)

> > 3- Pouvoir détacher un plugin d'une phase auquel il est attaché par
> défaut
> You need to create a custom lifecycle for that. This is not certainly
> ideal from your point's of view but it works. Some Mojos have a skip
> attribute which can be set to true to ... well ... skip its execution.
> This can maybe generalized.
> >
> > 4- Avoir plus clairement les versions des documentations des plugins
> > online et les release notes en chaque version pour limiter les
> > confusions.
> We're busy configuring the projects to deploy the site in a separate
> space per version. Not sure how far we are, Wendy might answer that.

I just see, that Wendy replied.

> > 5- Aussi, avoir des archetypes de projects: webapp, ejb, applet (en
> > particulier applet m'intrigue)
> Archetype is completely re-written at the moment. As soon as it's done
> I'm pretty sure that we will have many archetypes available. Not sure
> I understand what applet means in this context.

The problem with the applet must be to correctly setup the assembly (and
certainly some others stuffs) to put all libraries in a given directory and
create the code for the html page.

> > 6- Connais-tu un exemple d'utilisation des phases de test d'intégration?
> Check the Cargo's plugin which shows how you can start/stop a
> container and run integration tests on them.

Yes, that's also, the only one I know actually...

> Stéphane


> > Merci pour toute réponse,
> > Henri
> >
> > On 5/2/07, Arnaud HERITIER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi everybody,
> > >
> > >   FYI, I publish each month in French a list of news about the maven
> > > community : http://blog.octo.com/
> > >   If you are not speaking french you can however easily understand the
> list
> > > of releases.
> > >
> > >   If I forgot something, do not hesitate to tell me.
> > >
> > > Best Regards
> > >
> > > Arnaud
> > >
> >
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Arnaud Héritier
OCTO Technology
50, Avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
Tél : (33) 1 58 56 10 00
Fax : (33) 1 58 56 10 01
GSM : (33) 6 03 52 71 31
www.octo.com | blog.octo.com

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