On Friday 04 May 2007 14:43, Roland Asmann wrote:
> On Friday 04 May 2007 20:16, David Corbin wrote:
> > On Friday 04 May 2007 13:56, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
> > > Flat directories aren't supported.
> >
> > Right.  Unfortunately, Eclipse *only* supports flat directories.
> That depends. It is possible to import the sub-dirs as seperate projects in
> Eclipse. That way you can work on all modules as if they were in a flat
> structure. We've been doing that around here for quite some time!

That sound suspiciously like you've got a lot of duplication going on.  
Fundamentally, Eclipse does NOT support heirarchies.  I don't think you can 
map a heiarchy to a flat model and maintain a one-to-one copy.

> Just run the eclipse:eclipse plugin on your projects and import the
> projects. Be carefull, this needs eclipse 3.1.x or newer (if I remember
> correctly), because you need to tell eclipse to NOT copy the project to the
> workspace.

So, from what you say, If I have 3 layers in my heirarchy, Eclipse is going to 
perceive 3 copies of every file in my bottom-most tier.  

David Corbin
Games, Gamers, Gaming - a blog - http://dcorbin.com/blogs/g3

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