How does maven's declarative convention over configuration stack up against
scripted solutions like buildr, groovy/ant or scons when it comes to
maintenance costs for large projects?  Is there anyone out there who is
involved with a large complex project who can weigh in on how sustainable
maven has been and how much work it has required to keep bit rot at bay?

I have a project with 20+ sub-projects which I'm planning to convert from a
home grown maven like system written in shell scripts and ant to maven.  It
seemed like a no brainer, the system's process matched maven's model quite
well.  Then I read these two pieces and while I disagree with them I need to
ask... "how sustainable is maven for large scale projects"

Scripted solution can be much more concise than declarative, but they can
also become very complex very quickly.  I'm of the belief that I can use or
misuse any technology and create a smoothly running system or a maintenance
nightmare.  I just want reassurance that maven doesn't have some hidden
cost, or how best to avoid the pitfalls if it does.

FYI, I already know about the Better Builds with Maven and the sonatype
books and am working my way through them.

Thanks for the help...

Peter Kahn
Awareness - Intention - Action

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