I've got my own plugin for my own test framework but don't seem to be getting 
my test classes in the classpath when running the plugin.

For instance:

   public void execute()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
        getLog().info("classpath: " + classpath);

prints this:

which shows none of the compiled classes in there.  I was expecting since I 
specified the <phase>test</phase> that it would be set up to have the test 
classes in the classpath already.

So I tried to pass in the classpath I need, something like this:

                <path id='project.class.path'>
                  <path refid='maven.test.classpath'/>
                  <path refid='maven.runtime.classpath'/>
                  <path refid='maven.dependency.classpath'/>
                  <path refid='maven.compile.classpath'/>
                  <path refid='maven.plugin.classpath'/>
     * @parameter expression="whatever"
     * @required
    private String cp;

    public void execute()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        getLog().info("classpath: " + cp);
        String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
        getLog().info("old classpath: " + classpath);

And that told me that ${project.class.path} was undefined.  So, one question is 
how do I pass the path along to the plugin?

But the big question is, how do I specify that I want this plugin to be run 
with the maven.test.classpath?



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