Hi, I have been trying for two days to get a nice integration module, but I have been mostly bumping my head into a thick wall.
My project is a simple EAR (no EJB), that I organized as shown in the "Better Builds" PDF : Structure : foo foowar/ src/ main/ test/ pom.xml fooear/ pom.xml deploytomcat/ pom.xml integtesttomcat/ src/ it/ pom.xml pom.xml Modules : Foowar : contains main code, webapp resources and unit tests. Build this into a war file Fooear : depends on foowar and wraps the war in a ear (just adding a META-INF/application.xml) Deploytomcat : takes the war and deploy it to a tomcat server using cargo (pretty default configuration taken from the cargo tutorial) Integtesttomcat : comes after deploytomcat in the parent pom "modules" section, the goal is to run the "test" phase with my integration tests (using integtesttomcat/src/it). These tests require that the application is properly deployed, they will basically test the webservices. My problem is that I can't make these integration tests compile in the "test" phase of the "integtesttomcat" module. These tests depend on the classes from foowar/src/main/java (to compile test classes looking like web services clients, I need the classes defining my model). When I run the mvn install, the tests will not compile because they will fail to see the main classes (lots of "Symbol not found") I have been trying to add the main classes to the test compile by : - adding my war file as a dependency in the integtestomcat/pom.xml - adding an outputDirectory in the build section of integtestomcat/pom.xml (hoping the test compile would add this to the classpath) : <outputDirectory>${basedir}/../foowar/src/target</outputDirectory> I ran out of new ideas a few hours ago, and google, mailinglist archive and "better builds" did not help me since. If anyone can take some time to pitch in some suggestions, I would be very grateful Thank you all, Arnaud Jeansen
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