Phew.. Mail server doesn't like jars or tarballs..
I have uploaded it to some online free file hosting website:

Sure, no probs..
I fixed it some time ago but don't have the sources anymore.
I think it was quite easy, so if i get some time this weekend or next week,
i'll implement it again and make a patch..


On 5/25/07, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/25/07, Jo Vandermeeren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you complaining about the fact that wagon-ftp currently is not
> implemented to support directory copy?
> That can be fixed easily, it just needs to be implemented.
> I can send you a compiled jar with directory copy enabled if that's what
> want..

Any interest in helping with this one?

I don't know what the issues are or why that patch hasn't been
applied, but I'd like FTP deployment to work.


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