Hello Vince,

Nice way of doing it!  Though I think it would be better to do an
"installer-creator-mojo" instead of a script for the next step.


On 5/26/07, vcordaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


   I have picked up an interesting project at work.  My end goal is to
deploy our latest code in SVN to our servers nightly.  Now we have a custom
installer built
in izpack.  So ideally I would like to build the pieces that the installer
needs, then build the installer, then deploy the installer.  Anyone ever
done this?

So as I see it the first step is to get the nightly builds in a consistent
and usable location.  We are using Continuum for our
nightly builds, but it's output is to some randomly number directory in
the working-directory.  So my idea was to just use maven tags to scp
the packaged to a http web server located on teh same machine.  So I
started by using the distributionManagement tag and this worked, however I
the output in a consistent format, including filename, so the installer
can reference it.  The output from the distributionManagement was from
and the final file had the date and time appended onto it.  So I
abandonded this method and moved to using the assembly tag.  This seems to
be packaging and
scp'ing to a location, along with consistently naming the output.   I took
this assembly tag, wrapped it in a profile,  and moved it into a parent pom
and the children, or pieces for the installer, reference it. So now
continuum calls clean package deploy -P nightly.  Is this a good way of
doing this?  Is there a better way?  Anyone have any ideas?

My next step will be a maven script that builds the installer referencing
the assembled pieces from the http server.

Then once I have the installer built, i will most likely use ruby on rails
and capistrano to deploy the installer to a remote server through ssh.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks in advance,


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