Good afternoon.

I recently upgraded from Maven 2.0.4 to 2.0.6.  At about the same
time, the maven-release-plugin stopped working with subversion SCM

When I try to run release:prepare, I get the following:

[INFO] Executing: svn --non-interactive status
[INFO] Working directory: /home/ojacobson/admin-parent
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Unable to check for local modifications
Provider message:
The svn command failed.
Command output:
svn: error: cannot set LC_ALL locale
svn: error: environment variable LANG is en_US.UTF-8
svn: error: please check that your locale name is correct

However, if I run
$ cd /home/ojacobson/admin-parent
$ svn --non-interactive status
myself, I get a normal, successful svn stat listing.

The subversion guys are stumped; anyone from the maven side have any


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