
I've got a legacy project to convert from maven1 to maven2.
It uses castor to generate code based on an XSD.

castor plugin from mojo uses castor 0.9.7, and my project use castor 0.9.5,
and the generated code is not compatible (unmarshall returns "Object" in
0.9.7 !)

I've those options :
1 - adapt all my code to the uncompatile generated code
2 - find a way to force the castor plugin mojo to use castor-0.9.5
3 - use the antrun plugin to manually call castor:generate with the expected
4 - don't migrate to maven2

I don't think 2 is possible in maven 2.0. Many maven2 plugins are designed
to package invocation of another tool. Any change in the tool would require
a new plugin release. Is there any plan to make this possible in maven 2.1 ?

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