I have recently been struggling with what I think is the same as you want. I am developing a plugin which in the plugin code I want to retrieve the plugin's, not the current project's, dependencies.

I found the parameter expression I was after in this FAQ:

This gives me the plugin's dependencies:

     * @parameter expression="${plugin.artifacts}"
     * @required
    protected List<Artifact> pluginDependencyArtifacts;

This gives me the local repository paths to each dependency:

    for( Artifact artifact : pluginDependencyArtifacts )
        getLog( artifact.getFile().getAbsolutePath() );

Hope this is what you're after :)


Thanks for the numerous replies.

> > > > ${project.dependencies} ?

The ${project.dependencies} is not the correct one, since it gives me the
dependencies of the project, not the plugin! Also, it resolves the
dependencies transitively!

> ArtifactoryFactory : interface
> ArtifactResolver : interface
> Where can we find the implementations? I already have a list of
> dependencies, just need resolve the full path for each dependency.
> > Use the information in the dependency list and an ArtifactFactory to
> > create
> > an Artifact with , then use an ArtifactResolver to resolve them fully.
> > Afterwards, you can call getFile(), to get the File objet.

When using those interfaces, add something similar to these lines in your

* @component role="org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    private ArtifactResolver artifactResolver;

Now, you can use


for you artifact (if it has not been resolved already), after which you can
ask the artifact


which will give you the full path to the JAR/POM/whatever file of this

For my situation though (dependencies of the plugin), I use the following

for (Object object : this.project.getPluginArtifacts()) {
    Artifact artifact = (Artifact) object;
    if ("my.group.id".equals(artifact.getGroupId())
&& "myArtifactId".equals(artifact.getArtifactId())) {
for (Object object2 : this.artifactMetadataSource.retrieve(artifact,
this.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories()).getArtifacts()) {
            Artifact artifact2 = (Artifact) object2;
this.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories(), this.localRepository);
            JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(artifact2.getFile());
            JarEntry workflow = null;
            for (Enumeration<JarEntry> jarEntries = jarFile.entries();
workflow == null && jarEntries.hasMoreElements();) {
                JarEntry jarEntry = jarEntries.nextElement();
                if (jarEntry.getName() != null &&
jarEntry.getName().endsWith("filename.extension")) {
                    workflow = jarEntry;
            if (workflow != null) {

In short, this code runs through the plugins until it finds the one I'm
looking for ("my.group.id" & "myArtifactId"). It then retrieves this artifact
from the repository and gets its dependencies.
Those are resolved (to make sure all properties have been initialized -- eg
fileName doesn't work without it) and opened as JAR-files (atm I'm sure they
are JARs, but need to change this code to make sure it doesn't fail if
they're not).
I then iterate over the JAR to look for a specific file ("filename.extension")
and save the full names of the entry in a Map.

This works like a charm for me, you just need to make sure you add all the
right components in the MOJO.

If anybody needs some more info/help, feel free to ask!

Roland Asmann

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