>>>> Maven has one artifact per pom.

So do we.  We just have an option to package JUST the items called out
as "resources" (and modified during process-resources).  If a property
is put on the command line, a different assembly is run.

>>>> When you release your artifact it should be reproducible.

It is.

>>> But having to select a bunch of profiles makes it un-reproducible.

Why?  All these profiles are in profiles.xml (which is labeled and
included with the codeline we're working on).

>>> If selecting different profiles produces a different build, 

It doesn't, it just changes the configuration package.  The core build
is generated once (because it's 220 mb) and the configuration is
generated as many times as we need.

>>>> then each of these different builds should be stored in a
repository somewhere, otherwise it is not reproducable.

We're using cruise control - every built zip file is stored on our main
CC server (we're running in distributed mode and have 4 build servers at
this point - more to come later).

>>>> If you bundle this all together then yes this chews up disk space.

Correct, there's no way I'm generating the full sized bundles for EVERY
type of server we have for every active branch we have - see my previous
emails.  That's just plain unreasonable to even suggest this as a
possible solution (I know you're not, but others have).  

>>>> Why can't you have the base build (huge) plus the variations
>>>> and then a process outside maven which merges the variations into
>>>> base during the deployment steps?

Currently, we do.  Our deploy script which are ANT based (phew!) take
the main zip and extract the config zip over it.  That's not the
problem.  The problem is with a KNOWN issue in maven where the Jira
ticked - http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2309 .  Accoding to that,
2.0.5 and 2.0.6 are NOT effected by this bug (but they are) and the
target release is 2.1.  Is is possible to get this version to test?

I get the feeling that MOST are using maven to build very simple things,
like say, maybe - cruise control - that can be built with m2.  Other
stand alone jars like jaxp or xalan for example would make sense to me.
But massive app server type deploys just seem out of the grip of maven.
Where everything we're doing is custom, m2 looks less and less like the
correct solution (because everything is SUPER custom).  Working with m2
has been slow and painful and often fruit less as we spend hours (or
days in some cases) working with a horribly documented* plugin (say the
sar file plugin stuff) just to find out it's bugged and that its not
being actively developed anymore and we need to find a totally custom
soultion (typically shelling out to ant).

* Most of the links on the various pages of the maven home page don't
work for me.  Go here
http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/index.html  click any of
those links like the "How do I deploy my site?" one....

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