
have a look at


Mark Donszelmann

On Jun 6, 2007, at 8:10 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 6 Jun 07, at 2:50 AM 6 Jun 07, Arne Styve wrote:

Hi Jason,

Thanks for your input. I'll give this a try. However, how do you then use the JAR containing all the DLLs and .so's ? As far as I've understood, you cannot access a DLL that is inside a JAR, and hence you have to extract the DLLs from the JAR in order to use the DLL. Is this correct ?

There is an artifact handler that unpacks them to be used from the local repository. Mark has the full details as he's the one who implemented the solution and is working great at SLAC.

Regards Arne


On Tue, June 5, 2007 10:07 am, Arne Styve wrote:

I have a question related to using DLLs with Maven. We colaborate with a company that develops parts of our system. They deliver their component as a set of DLLs. I've used JNI to create a Java interface to these DLL, so
that I can use Java to develop the software that will use the DLLs.
How can I set up a Maven2 project that takes these DLLs and deploy them correctly to our company repository, so that I in my project, where I am going to use the DLLs, can add dependencies to the DLLs the usual Maven2 way ? I.e. this project will not have any sourcefiles, only the 4 DLLs.

We faced the same problem.

Originally we tried to publish the DLL artifact into the repository
directly, but this caused problems for us, as our JNI native code had to
run on Windows, Linux and Solaris, and maintaining the proper naming
conventions and suffixes was a pain.

We eventually opted to wrap the JNI DLLs / .so files inside a jar, and publish the jar in the repository, including a classifier to show both the platform (windows / linux / solaris) and architecture (x86, amd64, etc).
From that point on we only needed to worry about the name of the jar,
which was consistent across platforms.

When you have multiple DLLs, putting them in a jar reduces them down from
many artifacts to one artifact, which is easier to deal with.

This is the pom we use, it should give some clues. The DLLs are built by ant using the antrun plugin, and maven worries about the packaging and

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";


  <name>Alchemy Native CDO</name>
<description>Placeholder for the CDO stuff from London</ description>

<!--    <testSourceDirectory>src</testSourceDirectory>-->



<!-- Generate JNI header files based on a list of class name on
the classpath -->
<!-- The generated include directory is automatically added to
include path at compile phase -->
<!-- Ensure to have appropriate denpendency jar file(s) in your
pom -->

                |   Note:
| 1. Without classNames, javah mojo will search for all
JNI classes
                |       in your dependency list.


      <!-- trigger the ant build -->
            <phase>process-sources</phase><!-- needs to run BEFORE
resources -->
                <ant target="compile-cc-${os-platform}" />

      <!-- jar plugin -->

<!-- manually define the artifacts ant produces for deployment -->
<file>${project.build.directory}/${artifactId}- ${version}-${os-platform}-${os-arch}.jar</file>
<classifier>${os-platform}-${os-arch}</ classifier>

      <!-- site plugin -->


    <!-- CDO Client jar -->







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Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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