Hey Ossi,

I have a similar structure for one of our projects.

In the parent pom you can specify a relative path for the module:



ossi petz wrote:

this might be obvious for everyone. but well - i could not find clear recommendations on how to do this the best way.

i have a multi-module build:

parent pom.xml
 - module-1
 - module-2
 - module-3

the modules are stored in a subversion repository:

currently the parent pom is at

to ease working with the parent pom in eclipse (allow working like other projects), i moved the parent pom into an own module: parent-module which is stored beside the other modules in subversion:

but i dont want to copy the parent pom everytime to /trunk/pom.xml
and in future we may have additional parent poms for that location.

using a continous integration server and let it point to the parent pom seems only to work if the directory structure is normalized (parent pom and its modules in the same folder)

so: can the parent pom be stored just 'somewhere', and reference the modules with a relatvive path? same for the modules?

will a continuous integration server be able to understand that if i point it to http://repos/trunk/module-parent (so the modules are not directly in subdirectories)?

and will such relative module settups conflict with the release steps? or does that not matter at all?

any feedback would be welcome :)


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