I asked this before, but I don't think I understood the problem well enough to voice it properly nor had I sat down and implemented the alternatives.

This is in regards to my DocBook plugin which works completely off the Maven dependency mechanism. So every aspect of the "DocBook environment" is defined by dependencies rather than having to have DocBook set up locally as is usual with DocBook plugins. So everything from the DocBook XSLT and DTD distro to customizations, fonts and images are defined via dependencies and "mixed together" to actually perform the transformation. Anyway, logically it makes sense to break the pieces up into a few dependencies:
1) DocBook distro
2) fonts
3) "resources" (images, css, etc)
4) custom XSLT (might contain #2 and/or #3 also)
5) DocBook sources (might contain #2, #3 and/or #4 also)

The way DocBook works, fonts and images have to be treated specially depending on the formating. Thus, I need a way to be able to identify dependencies containing fonts and/or images and "stage them". It is this identification step on which I need advice. Basically there seem to be 2 approaches.

The first approach I have seen in many plugins. Here I would require the user to tell me the groupId/artifactId of dependency artifacts which contain fonts and images. The (major) downside of this to me always seemed the duplication of this information. For example, consider:
               <!-- here is the duplication -->

The other approach does not seem much used (that I could find). The thought was to use custom packaging definitions for the various types of "ingredients" that go into this DocBook mixture. Then I could distinguish the various pieces based on the artifact.type w/o any duplication:

The other aspect of this comes into play after identification, when I need to "stage" these resources. Basically, this means I need to aggregate the images and fonts from multiple sources into a local staging or work directory. For "dedicated bundles" like #2 and #3, this is no issue as I can make the assumption that the directory structure inside the archive is the target structure as well as the fact that all files should get staged. However, for #4 (and to an extent #5) that is most likely not the case.
So again, applying the 2 approaches, the first seems pretty verbose:
               <!-- here is the duplication -->
               <!-- here is the duplication -->

Whereas with the second approach, because it is a known packaging, I can make educated assumptions about the contents and structure of those contents.

I guess, overall, a slight variation on the first approach would be to use dependency properties rather than explicit configuration.

Overall I really liked the idea of custom packaging as a solution here but I had concerns because I did not see anyone using packaging in this manner which leads me to believe that either this is not its intended use or there is some practical difficulty with using them. Anyway, if someone could validate my thinking here and give recomendations/suggestions, that would be much appreciated.


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