Nick, thanks for your replay.

My problem is that 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' fail on ear module, because of '[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact'. This missing artifact is other module of my my multiple module project. It's weird, because 'mvn package' works ok.

Meybe I rather need to concentrate why 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' fails on ear module...

Regards, Marcin

Nick Stolwijk wrote:
At the eclipse plugin site [1] I don't see such an option. But I don't understand the problem you have with generating the .classpath en .project files. Just don't import the project into Eclipse and all is well, or not?


Nick Stolwijk

Marcin Waldowski wrote:

I have a Multiple Module Projects (with top level POM and modules). One of module has ear type (<packaging>ear</packaging>) and I don't want to make eclipse project from it.

Is it possible to exclude this module from execution of
mvn eclipse:eclipse
in directory with top level POM?


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