
this should do what you want:




You then probably also want to attach the second artifact to the pom with the build-helper plugin's [1] attach-artifact goal so that it gets installed and deployed.


[1] http://mojo.codehaus.org/build-helper-maven-plugin/

Keith Beattie schrieb:
Hello all,

I've got a project from which I'd like to create multiple 'executable' jar
files, which will differ only in the 'Main-Class: ' value of their manifest
files.  (These jars don't need their deps, I'm collecting all deps via a
parent pom with the assembly plugin.)

I realize that this violates somewhat the 'one artifact per project'
philosophy behind Maven, but short of refactoring the project into multiple
projects (most correct solution), or writing a launching class which starts
the proper class based on a passed in arg (2nd best solution), I thought I'd
ask here if this is possible to do in way a reasonably straightforward way
(simpler than the above two options).

At first, I thought I could use the jar plugin with multiple execution
elements (with the differing mainClass entry in each one) but haven't gotten
that to result in multiple jar files.  Another idea is to use the assembly
plugin with multiple descriptors but that doesn't allow for different
manifest/mainClass values.  Other, yet to be tried ideas are: multiple
profiles, or somehow aggregating poms together but that's new ground for me.

Any pointers, suggestions, hints, etc. ?


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