Craig Ching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> AFAICT, the OSGi bundles aren't packaged as a single jar, they
> appear to be much more complex (or maybe I am lacking some
> understanding of how these bundles are packaged).  For instance, in
> WEB-INF/platform/plugins there are a number of directories with a
> fairly complex structure.

That's fine. I'd call that an "unpacked JAR", whether or not it was
ever rolled up into a JAR to begin with. Some OSGi frameworks can use
unpacked bundles, or, rather, bundles composed as directory structures
on disk. The only essential artifact that makes something a bundle is
a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file with a few OSGi-specific headers. The
bundle can otherwise contain anything; it need not be compiled Java
class files, though that's the most common content.


> Maybe I should also note that *none* of these are build-time
> dependencies for my project, maybe that makes a difference?  So this
> is just about packaging the BIRT viewer in my war file.

Well, do you consider composing your WAR file to be "build-time"? Are
you looking for Maven to help inject the bundle content into your WAR?


> Before I get to defining specific requirements, though, I'm going to
> need to get a better understanding of OSGi in general.  What project
> am I looking for when I'm ready for that then?

Apache Felix is an easy to understand OSGi framework implementation,
and somewhat confusingly under the same umbrella, they're collecting a
lot of other popular Java artifacts and repackaging them as OSGi

You'll need an OSGi framework within which to test your
bundle. Eclipse Equinox¹ is another good choice. It's more complex
than Felix, but at present offers more capabilities. Knoplerfish² is
another option, but I don't have experience with it to comment


Steven E. Harris

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