On 6/29/07, Morgovsky, Alexander (US - Glen Mills)

My Maven process runs in a controlled environment where I do not have
connectivity to the internet.  For this reason, I placed all the Maven
dependencies from repositories like repo1 and codehaus onto our company
repository.  The problem is that even though these dependencies are on
our company repository, once the build calls a plugin which uses
codehaus, for example, the build fails automatically, without ever going
to our company repository.  Is there a solution for this?  How has
everyone else solved this issue?  Thank you.

I'd have to see the build output to know exactly what's going on.

You can Configure repositories (and pluginRepositories) in
settings.xml, and point Maven at your internal repositories.  You may
want to create a custom Maven distribution with conf/settings.xml
pre-configured for your environment.

If you find that Maven is trying to check additional repositories,
make a note of the repository id and override it in your own
settings.xml file.  (Or just leave it and let Maven blacklist them on
each build.)

I haevn't found mirrorOf=* all that useful because I never have *one*
repository with everything-- there's always at least two, snapshots
and releases.


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