On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 05:31:16PM +0300, Eugeny N Dzhurinsky wrote:
> Hello!
> In my application some tests are performing lookup for test (sample) data,
> create and manage some mapping tables, which tables are verified by another
> tests and then needed to be included into main JAR file, generated by maven
> package/install goals. So I need to provide an ability to include some of
> files in src/test/resources into the main jar, could somebody please explain
> how would I do that?

So is it possible to do such kind of trick - in the unit tests generate some
resources and include them into JAR file generated by package/install goal?
The main thing is the files will appear in the resources directory AFTER tests
were invoked and completed. I assume this could be done with Ant task, but if
it possible to achieve my goal w/o using ant - it would be great.

Eugene N Dzhurinsky

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