hi steven,

thanks so much... the workaround i have right now is horrible ;)


Steven Rowe wrote:
Hi Severin,

Here's an undocumented profiles trick:


The "!" in front of my.property.name in the activation section triggers
the profile if my.property.name is not defined.  This trick also works
with property value-based activation - you can activate a profile when a
named property has some value other than that specified, by prepending
an exclamation point to the value.

Note that profiles in POMs can also have <resources> sections, so you
could set up your property-based inclusions/execlusions/filtering there.


Severin Ecker wrote:

i was looking for a possibility to include/exclude (and filter) my
resources depending on the value of a property.
reading around in different documents and tutorials i found out that i
can filter my resources using system properties.

so far so good, but what i couldn't find out is, how to set this system
property to a default value within the pom file if it wasn't specified
on the command line (afaik one can only specify/create project
properties but not system properties in the pom file under
build/properties right?), or fail to execute any lifecycle if said
property was not specified.
what i don't want is to have maven look for resources like

is there a way to do this?

oh and a second question.
how do i exclude all subdirectories of a directory in the resources but
still include the directory i'm in?

also excludes 'mydirwithsubdirs' and all its containing files. problem
is, i don't know/want to explicitely specify the names of all subdirs in
the pomfile.

thanks in advance!


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