I have succesfuly installed codehaus eclipse plugin and i have downloaded dependencys for my projects (connection to internet works fine).

The next step was to create a network repository so that co-workers and I could share the jars that we download from the internet and have less lag when in need of a jar.

I THINK I have configured maven-proxy ok but I DONT think its working correctly. This is what I did: 1) Downloaded maven-proxy and the config file 2) Adjust config file to my needs. 3) Start maven-proxy.

After that I started to try to configure the eclipse plugin so that it uses my repository. To do that I had to copy the conf.xml file from maven folder to the root of my local repository and I added the following lines:

<mirror> <id>maven-proxy</id> <name>Maven-Proxy Mirror</name> <url>http://j2eedesar3:9999/repository</url> <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf> </mirror> <mirror> <id>maven-proxy</id> <name>Maven-Proxy Mirror</name> <url>http://j2eedesar3:9999/repository</url> <mirrorOf>snapshots</mirrorOf> </mirror> where j2eedesar3 is the name of the machine where maven-proxy is running.When I view maven-proxy's log I see the requests made from my machine to maven-proxy but I in the filesystem I don't see any downloaded jars
www.ejinz.com - Search Biz

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis Lundberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Sujit Samantaray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Maven Users List" <users@maven.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Help

I'm sorry, but I have little experience with Continuum, perhaps someone else can help you.

Sujit Samantaray wrote:
Thanks Dennis,
I am really very sorry about mailing you.I had mailed to userlist earlier .But i didnt got any reply.I found continuum really interesting ,but i am completely new to it and i am struck at one point since 15 days and getting no idea how to procede.
please spare a little time in helping me.
till now i have installed continuum.i am using vss and an ant project.so through add an ant project i have given vss foldername which i want to get.i have used the scm url which is given in internet.
scm:vss:path to repository:\foldername
after thati am trying to build it.but it is showing update & checkout command not found. i dont have much idea about scm configuration.
 plz help me   .again i am really sorry for taking ur valuable time .
 thanks in advance
sujit On 7/20/07, *Dennis Lundberg* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    First off - do not send questions directly to the developers. This is
    what the users mailing list is for.

    Now to your problem.

    Have you verified that the scm configuration for your project is
working, before trying to run it through Continuum? If not, you can do
    this by using the maven-scm-plugin:

    You should also be using version 1.0 of maven-scm-* - not the beta-3

    Sujit Samantaray wrote:
     > Hi,
> I am trying to use continuum .i am using visual source safe with ant
     > projects.First the vss SCM url showed invalid .& i didnt found
     > *maven-scm-provider-vss:jar:1.0-beta-3 *
> file in lib folder.So i searched in net and found this jar file.after
     > putting this jar file SCM url is validated but now  it is showing
     > CHECKOUT COMMAND not found and UPDATE command not found while
> it.I saw the jar file and saw that it is not having checkout class or
     > update class.
     > plz help me what to do regarding this. I am not sure whether
     > supports VSS fully or not .
> If u have the correct jar file plz send it to me soon.If i am doing
     > wrong somewhere else plz tell me.
     > Or please send me some links by which i will be able to work in
     > project and continuum .
     > thanks in advance.
     > sujit

    Dennis Lundberg

Dennis Lundberg

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