Joakim Erdfelt wrote:
We have been getting many reports of issues with Tomcat and Archiva.
We need your help to track down what is causing these issues.
Please goto and file your
When reporting details, please include the following ....
1. Java version? (specifics please, "1.5" is insufficient. "Java
HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_12-b03, mixed mode)" is of much
more use.)
2. Are you running the JDK or JRE?
3. What version of Tomcat?
4. Where did you get your version of Tomcat? (downloaded from, installed from OS packaging tool, etc...)
5. What kind of OS are you running? (versions and service pack
details are helpful)
6. Are you using the embedded Derby Database or an external Database?
* If an external Database, then the name and version of the
database is helpful.
* JDBC specifics too, what JDBC driver are you using? What
* How do you have the JNDI Database connection configured?
(yes, there are many ways to do this)
7. Have you have tried the recommendations on^ ? If
not, why not?
Ok, and apparently i need help with my email client too. ;-)
Paste HTML, send as plain text seems to have duplicated the message. neat!
- Joakim Erdfelt
Open Source Software (OSS) Developer