On 24/07/2007, at 5:16 PM, Paul Smith wrote:

I've been (slowly) porting our application to Maven 2.0.x. Run up against a very weird dependency problem with a project that refuses to build anymore. See the full mvn -X output, but the snippet that appears to me to be the problem is this:

[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
Downloading: http://forge.engr.acx:8080/archiva/repository/ internal//xmlbeans/xmlbeans-jsr173-api/2.0-dev/xmlbeans-jsr173- api-2.0-dev.pom Downloading: http://public.planetmirror.com.au/maven2/xmlbeans/ xmlbeans-jsr173-api/2.0-dev/xmlbeans-jsr173-api-2.0-dev.pom Downloading: http://forge.engr.acx:8080/archiva/repository/internal/ xmlbeans/xmlbeans-jsr173-api/2.0-dev/xmlbeans-jsr173-api-2.0-dev.pom [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --
[INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range [1.4,)

Ok, after playing around and having some guesses as to what the -X output is actually telling me, I tried upgrading the Jasperreports artifact from 1.2.0->1.3.4 (latest), and now it no longer complains. I've now hit a similar problem in a different area, so I think it's a matter of finding the right version of things.

I think the error message could do with some extra detail in this case, because one can only see which dependency is being manipulated through though the -X. I think the error message should include the parent dependency that (might) be the root of the problem.


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