In the Build Profiles page I added an installation to my profile and saved it. When the screen refreshed the installation did not attach to the profile. No errors, nothing in the continuum.log. Any ideas why this would happen?
Bryan -----Original Message----- From: Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:04 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Maven Users List Subject: [Announce] Continuum 1.1-beta-1 is released Hi, The maven/Continuum team is pleased to announce the first beta of Continuum 1.1 Highlights are: * Continuum profiles to define JDK/maven/ANT to use in a build definition * many bug fixes and ui improvements. You can grab the latest release from: Next up we are going to have another beta release in a month, or ideally before to have a final release in 1.5 month Anyway, below is the jira release notes for this release. Release Notes - Continuum - Version 1.1-alpha-2 Bug * [CONTINUUM-530] - HTML encode the build output * [CONTINUUM-691] - Build Numbers are obscured by the queuing/building icon * [CONTINUUM-706] - XML-RPC Server does not support addition of BuildDefinitions * [CONTINUUM-709] - Runtime error during recording in datanase * [CONTINUUM-723] - strange trouble on solaris * [CONTINUUM-817] - The generated output in the Working Copy page displays the wrong content * [CONTINUUM-821] - The Project.getBuildResults() method returns an empty list * [CONTINUUM-963] - Derby Database initialization error on Webapp restarts on Jetty * [CONTINUUM-1094] - Continuum does not build with Sun JDK 6 * [CONTINUUM-1119] - Creating a Group with an existing id errors * [CONTINUUM-1191] - editProject: NoSuchMethodException: * [CONTINUUM-1194] - Project is stuck in the "Build in Progress" state if the associated exception has more than 8192 chars * [CONTINUUM-1226] - Second build definitions on a project is never triggered with CVS * [CONTINUUM-1228] - OgnlException while setting property 'projectGroupId' on redirect * [CONTINUUM-1235] - Continuum 1.1-SNAPSHOT fails to check out projects from CVS when kicking off the build * [CONTINUUM-1241] - Schedule fails to start due to derby database column being too small * [CONTINUUM-1244] - project group name is not validated when left blank in Edit Project Group page, resulting to an error * [CONTINUUM-1308] - error moving projects to a new group * [CONTINUUM-1314] - NPE in - isInBuildingQueue * [CONTINUUM-1316] - Hitting 'Add' button repetitively in adding an Ant, Shell and Schedule using empty string only accumulates validation prompts in IE browser * [CONTINUUM-1320] - DefaultBuildController.makeAndStoreBuildResult cannot save build result due to maximum size of COMMAND_LINE * [CONTINUUM-1337] - NPE during profile creation * [CONTINUUM-1338] - field name in class org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm is too small * [CONTINUUM-1339] - Deleting a project group does not delete related build output directories * [CONTINUUM-1340] - After adding a ant project to the default project group (default project group is not displayed) * [CONTINUUM-1341] - Adding a Maven 2 POM from secure SVN on a non-standard port does not work Improvement * [CONTINUUM-774] - Better support for multiprojects * [CONTINUUM-1002] - build email cleanup * [CONTINUUM-1113] - Continuum doesn't work with MySQL * [CONTINUUM-1184] - Ability to pre-configure the Jetty port in conf/plexus.xml * [CONTINUUM-1350] - Documentation on Build profiles New Feature * [CONTINUUM-44] - multiple profiles * [CONTINUUM-614] - Enable auto-refresh for the build results page * [CONTINUUM-761] - Ability to delete results * [CONTINUUM-991] - Add meta refresh header to summary pages * [CONTINUUM-1178] - In Add New Maven 2 Project woudl like opportunity not to load modules * [CONTINUUM-1222] - usage of an alternative maven2-executable * [CONTINUUM-1291] - In a special configuration the report mail can contains false java version used for the build Task * [CONTINUUM-977] - Create web UI tests for "Add m1 & m2 projects" pages Test * [CONTINUUM-978] - add web ui tests for all pages related to schedules * [CONTINUUM-1223] - Ability to choose JVM (export JAVA_HOME) for different projects Wish * [CONTINUUM-1224] - Ability to set MAVEN_OPTS for Maven2 build definitions * [CONTINUUM-1258] - Configure the possibility of resolving or not the search of build executables (maven, ant ...) Emmanuel --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This message and any included attachments are from Cerner Corporation and are intended only for the addressee. The information contained in this message is confidential and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the addressee, please promptly delete this message and notify the sender of the delivery error by e-mail or you may call Cerner's corporate offices in Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A at (+1) (816)221-1024. 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