John Casey schrieb:
Unfortunately, Maven 2.0.x doesn't support that particular type of profile activation. We're working on a feature in the trunk (2.1-SNAPSHOT, currently) that would allow you to bring in custom profile activators via build extensions, however. A custom activator could give you an avenue for this sort of profile activation...but it's still not available in a released version of Maven.

That's good news. For the moment, I use the following workaround, inspired by the sentence "Profiles listed in the activeProfiles tag would be activated by default everytime a project use it." on

1) List my profile in "activeProfiles" in the global settings.xml
2) Use that profile only in the projects that build a war. These projects are generated from an archetype anyway, so I got everthing under perfect control.

Thank you,
-Gisbert Amm

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