> hi,
> does anybody know an alternative to assembly plugin which is mainly
> putting all stuff into a single jar.
> would prefer a layout where libraries are organized as following:
> -mainJar.jar
> -lib/
>   -dependentJar1
>   -dependentJar2
>   -...
> the main task would be to set up Manifest.MF from mainJar.jar correctly so
> neccessary classpaths are set correctly and reference to outside living
> lib/*.jar.

That's perfectly doable with the assembly plugin and the jar plugin. I'm
not at my machine right now so I cannot provide you with the exaxt
details. Search the archive, though, this has been done before. Or bug me
per mail next week when I'm back home to send you the example config.


Anyway kids, have fun, play nicely, be good. And remember - if it ain't
broke, hit it again.

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