Hi all,

I am testing a class that is using a .properties file that I have
placed in src\main\resources.  I am loading it via:

InputStream is =

The .properties file gets copied to target\classes\add.properties, and
when I create a package and run the class everything works fine.  The
problem is if I try to run a junit test against the class, at that
point the class cannot find the .properties file.

I ran mvn test with -X and got the following:

[DEBUG] Test Classpath :
[DEBUG]   C:\Projects\Experiments\add-test\target\test-classes
[DEBUG]   C:\Projects\Experiments\add-test\target\classes
[DEBUG]   C:\Documents and

I am using a basic POM I generated with the mvn archetype:create, so
I'm using the default resources settings.  I am using Maven 2.0.8.

Any ideas what's going on here?  I've read the other forum postings on
the subject and tried a bunch of different things to no avail.



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