While developing my own custom archetype, I also started to explore all
the options of the mvn archetetype plugin and it's create target,
because I hope I can get that to create my project, exactly like I want
Since my software development project usually consist of multiple tiers,
which I like to place in the same group in a seperate artifact, I would
like to have the plugin build the default package for java-class by
combining the groupId and artifactId. Currently just the groupId is
being used. 
Is there a way to configure the archetype-plugin so that the
defaultPackage will be a concat of the groupId and artfactId?
I have seen I can specify the package with the -DpackageName parameter
on the mvn archetype:create command.
That that package is being used as the default package, but the package
structure of my classes beneath the archetype-resource/src/main/java/
will NOT be used any more. All classes generated during creation of the
archetype end up in the same package base-package specified by the
packageName-parameter instead of the appropriate sub-package.
The package-structure in my archetype-resource/src/main/java-directory
is being used when the classes are being generated without an explicit
assigned packageName (defaultPackage == groupId)
Is this a bug of the plugin?
Is there a way to configure the archetype-plugin so that the
packageStructure beneath archetype-resource/src/main/java will be used
during generation of the classes for my archetype?
Should I file an bug and improvement issues in JIRA for these wishes?
I found some reference to some new 'maven-archetypeng', but not much
documentation yet. ( I didn't download the source yet ;-) )
Will that support these kinds of wishes? 
Where can I find more information about that plugin?
I hope somebody can help me on this.
With kind regards,
    Marco Beelen

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