Hello All,

I'm trying to execute "mvn deploy" and getting an error about the "Host key verification failed". I've tried the instructions in various threads on this topic but still haven't had any success (see message below). I can successfully ssh to the remote host w/o a password. I have the <repository> and <snapshotRepository> defined in my <distributionManagement> section of my pom.xml and a <server> section in my settings.xml associating the username w/ the repository id. Can anyone help me here or provide pointers to resources on the subject?


-- john

[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from panther_repo
[WARNING] repository metadata for: 'snapshot gov.noaa.eds:helloWorld:1.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be retrieved from repository: panther_repo due to an error: Exit code: 1 - Host key verification failed.

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