
have a look at the maven-dependency-plugin and its copy-dependencies mojo [1]. If the sole purpose of your ant task is to package your module classes in a jar together with its dependencies you can do this without ant altogether using the assembly-plugin [2].


[1] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/usage.html
[2] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/

Mick Knutson schrieb:
OK, I have several dependencies for my jar module like:



Now, I have an ant task that is called from my ant-run plugin, that needs to
include those dependencies into its jar archive.
So when I hard code the reference in my ant task to the repo location, the
ant task adds them just fine.
But what I want to do, is have the module put those dependencies into
./target/*.jar then have my ant task pick them up from there.

Can someone please help me to achieve this?

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