
just a short recap to ensure I've understood you correctly:

You have a couple of mavenized projects, one of them is a eclipse plugin. When you 'mvn package' on the plugin project everything is fine but when using the plugin in eclipse the classes from the dependencies are not found. Correct?

I'm not an eclipse guy but if I remember correctly an eclipse plugin bundle contains all the jars it depends on just as any other distribution of a software would do. Maven (as its a build tool and not some kind of runtime environment) doesn't do this automtically. You need to configure it as part of the build when creating your distribution bundle. In most cases this is done with the assembly plugin [1], the dependency plugin [2] or a combination of both.

Hope this helps

[1] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/
[2] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/

Erdem Eser Ekinci schrieb:
I've posted but nobody answered for the problem. I will try to
redefine the problem more clearly;

There is an eclipse plug-in project which is dependent on other simple
At compile time, there is no problem but at run-time, plug-in project
can not find the classes which are positioned in maven dependencies.

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