
Thanks for the tip, but it doesn't quite do the trick...
I've added the following to my settings.xml:

      <name>Maven Central Proxy Repository</name>

When I execute a maven command, our company's central repo is accessed
(instead of the repo1.maven.org one), but when I take a network trace I
see the following:

en-metadata.xml HTTP/1.1\r\n
        Request Method: GET
        Request URI:
        Request Version: HTTP/1.1

This however returns a 404 Not Found error, since the specified
directory doesn't contain a maven-metadata.xml but a

How can I solve this ?

Thanks for your input,


-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Deblauwe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: woensdag 29 augustus 2007 8:03
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven repository

You need to say that your repository is a mirror of central, see
http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-mirror-settings.html for more


Wim (also from Belgium ;))

2007/8/28, De Vleeschauwer Nele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I'm just setting up Maven on a developer's workstation. The developer
> has no access to the Internet and should therefore always retrieve the
> latest artifacts from a repository we've set up at our company (which
> has a connection to the internet).
> Even when I add the following part to the settings.xml file of the
> installation on the developer's machine, each Maven command I execute
> from there still tries to connect to the Maven repository on the
> Internet. How can this be avoided ?
> (The repository I've set up is working fine, since I can connect with
> Internet Explorer to it)
> ....
> <profiles>
>   <profile>
>     <id>dev</id>
>     <repositories>
>       <repository>
>         <id>central</id>
>         <name>Maven Central Proxy Repository</name>
>         <url>http://b2btst04/maven-central-proxy</url>
>       </repository>
>     </repositories>
>     <pluginRepositories>
>       <pluginRepository>
>         <id>central</id>
>         <name>Maven Central Proxy Repository</name>
>         <url>http://b2btst04/maven-central-proxy</url>
>       </pluginRepository>
>     </pluginRepositories>
>   </profile>
> </profiles>
> <activeProfiles>
>     <activeProfile>dev</activeProfile>
> </activeProfiles>
> ....
> -----------------------------------------
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