Wendy's answer is the correct one. The documentation I pointed to is buggy. I will file that in jira.


Tim Kettler schrieb:

Andrew Leer schrieb:
I don't understand where the archetype/test directories came from:

I guess your testproject has a groupId artifactId of:


and this gets converted to the shown package structure. See here [1]. It's a little bit cryptic but when you look at the example at the bottom, you see that both groupId and artifactId are used for the package hierachy.


[1] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/examples/simple.html

|   Java6TestArtifactFromArcheType.txt
|   pom.xml
   |   \---java
   |       \---com
   |           \---mooo
   |               \---archetype <-- ****Where did this come from?****
   |                   \---test
   |                           App.java
                   \---archetype <-- ****Where did this come from?****


I was actually expecting it to turn out more like the following:
(note that the archetype/test directories are both gone)

|   Java6TestArtifactFromArcheType.txt
|   pom.xml
   |   \---java
   |       \---com
   |           \---mooo
   |                  App.java


Again thank you,
    I appreciate the help,
    Andrew J. Leer

On 8/30/07, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Everything looks right/good to me.

What exactly is wrong, from your perspective? Its not clear what
you're getting vs what you expect to get.


On 8/29/07, Andrew Leer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


For full code of Archetype and resulting project from Archetype.

Thank you,

     Andrew J. Leer

<quote author="Andrew Leer-2">
Hello, I am trying to make an archtype in mvn2.

My Archetype project has the following directory structure:

|   Java6ArchetypeProject.txt
|   pom.xml
|   pom.xml~
|   \---main
|       \---resources
|           +---archetype-resources
|           |   |   pom.xml
|           |   |
|           |   \---src
|           |       +---main
|           |       |   \---java
|           |       |           App.java
|           |       |
|           |       \---test
|           |           \---java
|           |                   AppTest.java
|           |
|           \---META-INF
|               \---maven
|                       archetype.xml
|                       archetype.xml~
    |   maven-archetype-java-6-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
        |   |   .pom.xml.swp
        |   |   pom.xml
        |   |
        |   \---src
        |       +---main
        |       |   \---java
        |       |           App.java
        |       |
        |       \---test
        |           \---java
        |                   AppTest.java


I then installed the new Archetype in the repository using "mvn install".

When I attempt to generate the project using the command:

mvn archetype:create

I receive the following "flawed" directory structure:
(flawed mainly because of the placement of AppTest.java in

|   Java6TestArtifactFromArcheType.txt
|   pom.xml
    |   \---java
    |       \---com
    |           \---mooo
    |               \---archetype
    |                   \---test
    |                           App.java


My archetype.xml looks like the following:


       Allows archetype:create to be
       called on an existing project.

Thank you,
    Andrew J. Leer

P.S. Thank the DOS "tree" command for generating that directory
structure for me.

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