On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 10:35:19AM -0400, Alan D. Salewski spake thus:
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 09:19:12AM -0500, Wayne Fay spake thus:
> > I don't use the SAR plugin but I think I understand the error
> > message... It looks like your dependencies define the sar as
> > <packaging>jboss-sar without a classifier... and then your EAR
> > configuration says <classifier>jboss-sar without a packaging.
> > 
> > I'd assume one of those is wrong. My guess would be to change
> > <classifier> to <packaging>.
> > 
> > Wayne
> [...]
> My recent experience with the jboss-packaging-maven-plugin confirms
> Wayne's suspicion. In my particular case, simply omitting the
> 'classfier' element from the EJB <SarModule> solved the problem.
> > 
> > On 8/16/07, Steve Dobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> > > However it builds just fine if I remove the SAR information.  What am I
> > > doing wrong?
> [...]
> > >         <dependency>
> > >            <groupId>uk.org.syscall.pugwash</groupId>
> > >            <artifactId>pugwash-sar</artifactId>
> > >            <version>2.0</version>
> > >            <type>jboss-sar</type>
> > >         </dependency>
> [...]
> That's fine as is.
> > >                   <sarModule>
> > >                     <groupId>uk.org.syscall.pugwash</groupId>
> > >                     <artifactId>pugwash-sar</artifactId>
> > >                     <classifier>jboss-sar</classifier>
> > >                   </sarModule>
> Try this, instead:
>     <sarModule>
>       <groupId>uk.org.syscall.pugwash</groupId>
>       <artifactId>pugwash-sar</artifactId>
>     </sarModule>
> HTH,
> -Al

[ Since I found myself again working with SAR files, and my earlier post
  turned out to be antihelp to myself (and I hope not too many others), I
  think it's only appropriate that I reply to my own busted post to set
  the record straight... ]

First, for the untainted, there are currently several different
maven-2.x plugins that purport to produce SAR files (JBoss-specific
"Service ARchives"). My comments below below pertain only to use of the
'jboss-packaging-maven-plugin' plugin, currently available in the
codehaus.org snapshots repository:


To configure use of the plugin, I added the following snippets to my
top-level pom.xml file:


          <!-- Enable 'jboss-sar', etc., as a recoginized maven packaging type 

In the pom.xml of the subproject that produces the SAR file, I declared
the packaging type as 'jboss-sar':


Note that the dependencyManagement entry for the SAR subproject in the
top-level pom.xml indicates type 'sar', but the packaging type declared
by the SAR subproject itself is 'jboss-sar'. During the 'install' build
phase, the SAR subproject will install the artifact with a '.sar'
extension in the local maven repository.

In the pom.xml of the subproject that produces the EAR file, I have the
following relevant snippets:

            <!-- The version of the application.xml file to generate. Valid -->
            <!-- values include '1.3', '1.4', and '5'. -->
              <!-- JBoss specific stuff -->

The things to note about this snippet are that the dependency type of
the SAR module is 'sar' (not 'jboss-sar'), and the 'SarModule' element
of the maven-ear-plugin configuration does not include a classifier.

Hope that cookbook is helpful to someone,

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
Alan D. Salewski
Software Developer
Health Market Science, Inc.
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

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