[INFO] Unable to tag SCM
Provider message:
The svn tag command failed.
Command output:
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Source url 'svn+ssh://galatea.chrissearle.org/repository/ common/trunk' is from different repository The only thing I can spot is in that Tagging line - where it has inserted the username into the SCM URL.

I ran into something like this a while back. For me it was a username in the scm url in my pom that was the problem. When I removed the username from my scm url in the pom it worked fine. However, I see that you haven't set the username in the scm url in your pom. Perhaps it is inserted automatically for svn+ssh protocol? I'm using scm:svn:svn://...

No - the username is not set in the pom (doesn't really fit into a multi-developer setup). And the box is only available over ssh - so I can't try changing scm URL :(

However - when I remove my settings.xml it works.

There is a tag


However - at no place in the pom is this server setup for usage (it's for a separate project where I'm experimenting with distributionManagement).

I guess I need to read up more on how these server settings are used/ found by maven.

Chris Searle

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