You could always try ejbgen. I was going to build that into the Weblogic plugin but most people have gone to JPA instead so there was not much demand.

Scott Ryan
CTO Soaring Eagle L.L.C.
Denver, Co. 80129
(303) 263-3044

On Sep 4, 2007, at 9:30 AM, Brian Smith wrote:

I'm using Weblogic 9.2. I think you're correct in that the weblogic plugin
only works for versions 8.x and earlier.   I haven't found any great
solutions for this hurdle yet.

On 8/31/07, Scott Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What version of Weblogic are you using?  You can use the weblogic tag
to generate the XML files  but as far as I know xdoclet can only
generate xml files for 8.x and prior.  9.x and 10.x are not supported
but then maybe you should be using JPA, EJB 3.0 or Hibernate by then.

Scott Ryan
CTO Soaring Eagle L.L.C.
Denver, Co. 80129
(303) 263-3044

On Aug 31, 2007, at 9:34 AM, Brian Smith wrote:

I'm working on a simple HelloWorldEJB stateless session bean that I
want to
run in Weblogic. I'm using the xdoclet plugin and xdoclet is able to
generate the home/remote classes.  Should xdoclet be able to
generate the
weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor? If so, how do I do this? Is there a
special tag in the EJB source code or is there something in the pom
I need
to specify?

I'm guessing this a task of xdoclet instead of maven but I'm not
sure.  Any
input would be appreciated.


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