On Sep 5, 2007, at 10:31 AM, Wayne Fay wrote:

ok, so "mvn package" in core creates a target/MyProj-XXXX.tar.bz2 file.

First, a question, why are you creating a tar.bz2 instead of a jar? Just wondering.

Our application has many additional files required in addition to the jar, including shell scripts, configuration files, etc, in addition to our 3rd party dependancies.

I assume you are using assembly plugin to generate this tar.bz2 file. If so, you should install this artifact into your repo. (Or you could throw away the normal way of doing things in Maven and just hard-code paths like ../core/target/MyProj-Core.tar.bz2. But I prefer to "mvn install" things.)

We do install the artifact into our local repo. The issue is that I'd like to create a project that depends on this artifact, but takes this artifact, extracts it, and runs tests against this extracted archive.

Tim just posted a sample config to attach assembly to your project lifecycle in this thread:

From: Tim Kettler
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Cannot deploy a parent 'tar.gz' assembly
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 10:00:09 +0200

I'll take a look at this.

Joshua ChaitinPollak
Software Engineer
Kiva Systems

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