On 9/7/07, mfs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well i dont think this is possible, but just wanted to be sure if through
> any of the plugins (or otherwise) we can achieve the objective, so basically
> i have a project which contains some pojo(s) with some core functionality
> and also some servlets which provide an http interface to these core
> services, just wondering if there is a way i can generate a jar (against the
> core classes) and a war (containing the servlet and dependent classes) out
> of the same project...? I believe the same is somewhat acheivable through
> ant and wanted to check if it can be avhived in maven 2.

Not currently afaik-- the general rule is one main artifact per
module, so you'd need to move the Java code to a separate module if
you want to produce a jar.

Check JIRA and the list archives, I remember a discussion not too long
ago about doing what you ask, having a war module also produce a jar,
possibly as an attached artifact.  But I'm not sure what the metadata
would look like...


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