But what if you are e.g. using Eclipse to update your pom file. Eclipse
uses the Maven plugin underneath to donwload the necessary artifacts.
Can I configure the -U option also somewhere in there ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: vrijdag 14 september 2007 13:22
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven Local Repository

it's a known problem - you can use -U to force it to try again.

On 14/09/2007, De Vleeschauwer Nele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question concerning the Maven local repository on my pc.
> When I add a new dependency to the pom file of my project then my
> installation will try to download the necessary artifacts in my local
> repository.
> If for one reason or another, my connection with the central site can
> not be established, maven will create the artifacts folder structure
> my local repository and will also create a metadata xml file.
> When my connection with the central repo is up again, I can still not
> download the artifacts. I need to delete the earlier created xml files
> first.
> How can this be avoided ?
> Nele.
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Brett Porter
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