Hi Dave,

We use maven to create an installer that gets deployed to our repo. When
we want to install it somewhere we do:

   wget http://my_repo/ebs/installer/MyInstaller-1.0.2.sh
   sh MyInstaller-1.0.2.sh

In the past we used InstallShield, but for our apps it is overkill.
Instead we use simple Pythion scripts. The way it works is that we have
an "installer" directory next to our "java" directory. In the installer
directory there must be a file called "install.sh" that kicks the pythn
scripts off.

In Maven1 we have a plugin that runs after the jar goal. It creates an
assembly directory containing the subdirectories: bin, config, jars, and
installer. The "jars" directories contains all of the jars the app
depended on. The assembly directory is then zipped into a self
extracting archive. When exectuted the archive uncompresses itself and
runs the install.sh script.

In Maven2 I think I can do this with the existing assembly plugin -- not
sure, I have other non-maven problems preventing me from doing this.

Christopher Helck


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Rathnow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:48 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: General question about how to use Maven to build and deploy

So I've now got Maven to build my jars, wars, and ears, it installs them
in my local repository and deploys to my remote repositories.  But what
do I do now? In order to run and test my apps, I have to manualy copy
files to the appropriate directories, which seems a bit primative for
such a complex tool as Maven.  The next step I'll have to figure out is
how to build an install kit with Maven, which may not be that hard since
everything is in the respository.
Still, I'm wondering how others are using Maven in their development
process?  Do you us Maven to build and deploy your files and then have
another script copy them to directories for testing/kit building?

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